We know the importance of having regular check-ups to make sure your teeth are in tip-top shape. However, we also understand that is it probably at the bottom of everyone’s to-do list! Here at Kariong Dental Care, we try to make looking after your teeth as easy and affordable as possible, so we are proud to offer no Gap Dental Check-ups if you are registered with the Health Fund.
We specialize in delivering a gentle and caring dental service to our customers. Above all, we are a family dentist. That’s why we invite you to take advantage of our comprehensive No Gap scheme that includes dental exams, fluoride treatment, scale and cleaning services, and x-rays (including OPG) for you and your children.
What is No Gap Billing?
The health fund offers different levels of cover. For the most part, you are required to have the health fund extras cover to ensure that you can access the treatments you need in full without extra cost.
Gosford Dentist at Kariong Dental Care No Gap Billing offer for check-ups and cleansyou will not be out of pocket no matter your level of cover. This means that your 6-month check-ups remain affordable. Our No Gap Billing policy for check-ups includes a full scale and clean, x-rays, fluoride treatment, and dental exams, so we can help you and your family retain good oral health at no extra cost.
Child Dental Benefits Schedule (CDBS)

Family dental care can quickly become expensive, especially for growing families with children who have complex dental care needs.
Kariong Dental Care wants to do its part to make sure no child is left behind, so we subscribe to the Child Dental Benefits schedule as set out by the Australian Government to support children whose families receive Family Tax Benefit or any other relevant Australian Government payment. The scheme provides funding for dental care for every child who receives this scheme. The fund is usually $1000 for consecutive 2-year periods.
Children aged 2-17 years old qualify for the schedule, they will receive the same high-quality dental work that we would give to our privately funded patients.
Our expert dentists are experienced in providing dental care to children and treat each child who comes to our service with delicate care and attention.
How Do I Register?
Organizing health check-ups for the whole family is complicated enough. Therefore, if you receive government payments you don’t have to do anything. You and your children will be automatically enrolled for the No Gaps Billing and the Child Dental Benefits Schedule.
To make things even simpler you can contact the Department of Human Services and they will let you know if you qualify for the scheme and to what extent. Alternatively, you can check your child’s CDBS eligibility through your Medicare online account. All you will have to do when you arrive is fill out a form.
Kariong Dental Care, on the Central Coast, cares about your oral health and general wellbeing. We are proud to be a No Gaps Billing for check-ups and cleans and a CDBS provider. We are happy to provide your family with full dental check-up cover at no extra cost. We want to make dental care as affordable as possible and guarantee a perfect smile for every family member. For more information about the Child Dental Benefits Scheme, please visit: https://www.servicesaustralia.gov.au/individuals/services/medicare/child-dental-benefits-schedule
For all other dental treatment needs, we offer many interest-free payment plans. Please contact our friendly staff today on (02) 4340 2022 to find out more.