11 Mitchell Drive,
Kariong, NSW, 2250

Custom Sports Mouthguards

Knocked out, loosened or damaged teeth are a regular occurrence in sport, needing long visits to the dentist and often a life time of treatment for the affected tooth. Worse, in some cases, missing teeth may need to be replaced with dental implants or dentures.

A well-fitted, customised mouthguard can protect your teeth and jaw by spreading the impact from contact, reducing the risk of damage to your teeth.

No Gap offer on Sport Mouthguards *

If you are with a health fund, we offer no gap on customised sports mouthguards which are normally $250, or only $89 without a health fund!

Why not just get a store-bought mouthguard?

No mouth is the same. While store-bought mouthguards are generally cheaper and are instantly available, they are rarely a perfect fit, can dislodge easily and may not offer the best protection from severe impact on your teeth and jaws. Because they’re only in one size, they’re usually bulkier which can make it harder to breathe, cause muscle soreness from grinding and can do more damage than good.

Why get a customised mouthguard?

The cost of a mouthguard fitted by a dentist is good insurance against the possible costs of reconstructive surgery or emergency dental work from a sports accident. Custom-fitted mouthguards can have up to two layers of vinyl material, fitting snugly around your teeth, no matter how crowded they are.

They ensure you can breathe well, absorb any shock of impact to your teeth and jaws and are retained well in your mouth. Custom-fitted mouthguards are more durable than over-the-counter ones, plus you can customise them even further with your team colours and name tags.

Avoid unnecessary expense by making an appointment with Kariong Dental Care dentist to protect your teeth with a customised mouthguard.

COVID-19 Message

Dear Patients, Families & Friends,

It’s official! We are now on Level 1 restrictions for dentistry.

Which means, as long as you have not been in a COVID-19 risk situation and don’t have a cold or flu symptoms we can provide all your regular dental treatments.

This includes examinations, checkup and cleans, restorative procedures such as replacing missing or damaged teeth, crowns, bridges, dentures and implants, orthodontic treatment, fillings, cosmetic veneers, extractions and preventative procedures.

We will continue to provide you with the safe, high-quality dental care you can trust. We are fully equipped to offer this crucial service with full compliance with Government sanctions in dealing with the Coronavirus.

Here is how we will take additional steps to keep you safe:

  • Upon arrival at your appointment you will notify us you have arrived and we will notify you when you can enter the practice safely avoiding all waiting room contact.
  • The practice will continue to be fully sanitised to ensure your safety.

Good oral health is closely linked to good overall health, so if you have not seen us for a while, then now is a perfect time. Plus, it’s always nice to have that clean mouth feeling.