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Dental Clean and Check Up

If you are finicky about keeping your gums and teeth as healthy as possible, then regular dental check-ups is a MUST.

On average, it is advisable to see your dentist at least twice a year. A check-up can be done once in six (6) months. Alternatively, a comprehensive dental clean and check-up schedule can be drawn up by your dentist.

This is what you get when you pay Kariong Dental Care on the Central Coast a visit today. Our dental professionals will draw up a flexible dental clean and check-up schedule that works for you. One that takes into consideration…

  • the current health of your gums and teeth,
  • your present location or predicted future location, 
  • your profession and work schedule, and 
  • The overall cost implication of the drawn out regular dental cleaning and check-up schedule. 

What you should expect from a scheduled visit to your dentist  

On a typical scheduled visit to your dentist, there are basically two things that happen. The first is an examination or check-up while the second is an oral prophylaxis or a dental cleaning.

Examination of your Teeth

The dentist will carry out a hands-on examination of your teeth looking for any cavities. In order to detect cavities even if they are hidden between teeth, the dental professional will carry out x-rays of your mouth. Apart from cavities, the dental professional will also examine your teeth for signs of plaque and tartar.

When bacteria on your teeth has not hardened, they are clear and have a sticky viscosity. This bacteria is known as plaque. However, when this plaque solidifies it will turn into tartar. Sadly, tartar cannot be removed by simply flossing or brushing your teeth. Only by dental cleaning can tartar be effectively removed. If unchecked, both plaque and tartar can lead to a host of oral diseases in a patient.

Examination of your Gums

A dental professional will then examine your gums using a specialised instrument that is able to accurately measure out the depth of the gaps that exist between your gums and teeth. 

If your gums are healthy, those gaps will be shallow. However, if you are suffering from gum disease, then the gaps would be much deeper.

The dentist will also examine your head, face, neck, throat, and tongue. The purpose of this check-up is to detect possible symptoms of an underlying ailment like cancer. 

Scaling of your Teeth

To remove any tartar from your teeth, the dentist will have to carry out a procedure known as “Scaling”. 

Scaling basically scrapes out the tartar from your teeth. Once this is done, the dentist may polish your teeth with the use of a coarse textured paste. This paste will help in taking out any noticeable stains on the surface of your teeth. 


After a thorough oral examination, scaling, and polishing, the dentist would conclude the dental cleaning and check-up session with flossing. 

The space that exists between your teeth is thoroughly cleaned out with the use of floss. Once this is done, the scheduled dental cleaning and check-up session comes to an end.

Quick Tips:

Before your next scheduled dental clean and check-up appointment make sure to diligently observe the following;

  • Make sure to brush your teeth using fluoride based toothpaste at least two times daily.
  • Make sure to floss every day.
  • Control plaque buildup by using mouthwash. Mouthwash will also help to prevent unpleasant mouth odour while keeping your mouth fresh at the same time.

Root Canal Therapy (Endodontics)

There are instances when infection gets into the tooth itself and needs to be removed. In such situations it is always advisable to pay your dentist a visit for proper evaluation of the problem.

If you need to have an infection in your tooth removed, then the procedure for doing so is called Root Canal Therapy, otherwise known as Endodontic Therapy. 

At Kariong Dental Care on the Central Coast, we have professional dentists with years of experience in dealing with patients in need of Endodontic Therapy. The whole purpose of this procedure is as follows;

  • To save a tooth from further damage and possible extraction.
  • To stop the spread of the infection.
  • To protect the infected tooth and prevent any future infection.

The therapy is done right within the root canal or the pulp of the infected tooth. During the procedure, infected nerves within the root canal are removed. 

Patients are more than likely to feel varying degrees of pain and discomfort BEFORE the treatment due to the infection. There is a general misconception that this procedure is a painful one, but in reality it is NOT. If carried out by an experienced dentist, the treatment should be painless.

Root Canal Therapy is NOT as expensive as a tooth extraction followed up by replacing the tooth with a bridge or crown for example.

How is Endodontic Therapy Conducted?

There are three basic steps taken to ensure the success of this dental treatment. Typically, this dental procedure can be completed in one treatment session. However, in some cases additional sessions may be needed, but on average not more than three sessions in total will be needed. Additional sessions are usually needed when…

  • curved canals exist,
  • there are pretty large infections involved, and
  • multiple canals need treatment.

Below are the three basic steps carried out by a professional dentist during an Endodontic procedure.

#1: Root Canal Cleaning: 

The first step in Endodontic Therapy involves the thorough cleaning of the root canal. This is where the dentist will as much as possible remove everything within the pulp of the infected tooth. 

The patient is first placed on a local anesthetic, then the dentist will create a tiny hole on the surface of the infected tooth. Next, using small files, the dentist will remove both infected and dead pulp tissue. 

#2: Root Canal Filling:

Using irrigation solutions and the small files, your dentist will shape, decontaminate, and clean out the hollow portion of the tooth. All this is done before the filling of the tooth or teeth as the case may be. The tooth will then be filled with the use of a rubberised material.

Afterwards, a self-adhesive cement is used to completely seal off the canals. Note that after an Endodontic Therapy, the previously infected tooth is effectively dead as the infected nerve tissue is removed. So you would not be in any discomfort or feel any sort of pain in the tooth ever again. But most importantly, the infection is taken care of.

#3: A Filling or Crown is Added:

Once the Root Canal Therapy is concluded, the tooth in question is now fragile and susceptible. When the pulp of a tooth is removed, that tooth gets nourishment directly from that ligament which attaches it to the jaw bone. While the nourishment obtained through this means is sufficient, with time that tooth becomes even more fragile. 

In order to give the tooth some added protection, a filling or crown would need to be added. Note that before a filling or crown is added, you should avoid biting or chewing food with the affected tooth. But after a filling or crown is added, you can then bite or chew food as you would normally do.

Wisdom Tooth Removal

Have you removed your wisdom teeth yet? A visit to Kariong Dental Care on the Central Coast may be what you need to listen to the opinion of a qualified dentist with regards to your wisdom teeth.

If your dentist gives the go ahead to have your wisdom teeth removed, then you would be scheduled for an extraction by our experienced team of oral surgeons.

The procedure is simple, routine, painless and quick. In just a couple of days, you should feel much better and be back to your old self again.

What are Wisdom Teeth?

First of all, you should know that wisdom teeth normally appear in adults from the ages of between 17 and 25 years. These teeth are molars (a third set) which erupt at the back end of the mouth. 

You can feel your wisdom teeth with your fingers or if this is not yet possible, you may need to have x-rays in order to see them. 

But why do you need to remove your wisdom teeth? 

Well, here are some reasons to consider.

When they are Impacted: 

Just like your normal teeth, wisdom teeth may also be impacted. It is possible that because of where they are usually located (at the back end of your mouth), your wisdom teeth may not erupt from your gum normally. 

When this happens, the wisdom teeth may be trapped in your gums or even jaw bone causing you to feel agonizing pain. To ease the pain and discomfort, it would be necessary to extract the wisdom teeth.

When they erupt at awkward Angles: 

Wisdom teeth may erupt through the gums at awkward angles in some people. In some cases, the wisdom teeth may push up on the other regular teeth. 

The truth is, the jaw does not have enough room for another set of molars and the mouth itself is really not large enough to accommodate extra molars. So for this reason, it is advisable to remove your wisdom teeth.

Tooth Decay: 

The location of wisdom teeth can make it difficult to practice proper oral hygiene. When brushing, your toothbrush may not be able to get to your wisdom teeth. 

This can increase the risk of cavities, decay, and gum disease. To avoid a severe tooth infection and a possible spread of the infection, it is necessary to remove wisdom teeth.

What happens before a Wisdom Teeth Removal

Before you have your wisdom teeth removed, you will be scheduled to meet with an oral surgeon who will talk you through the procedure. 

You will be asked some questions, such as; 

– regarding your present state of health,

– allergies, 

– habits like drinking and smoking, and 

– the type of medication you are currently on. 

These set of questions are necessary as the oral surgeon wants to establish your tolerance and level of resistance or otherwise to the anesthetic that would be administered during the surgery.

On average, the removal of your wisdom teeth would take about 45 minutes. It could be done in a lesser time, but 45 minutes is just about right. The anesthetic administered may be local, such as; mepivicaine, lidocaine, or novocaine. 

It is also possible that laughing g gas or nitrous oxide is administered to help you relax during surgery. Alternatively, you may be given either a General or IV anesthetic. 

Once the surgery is concluded, you would be expected to do some home care in addition to the scheduled visits to your dentist. It is expected that for about three days you will notice a swelling around the site of the surgery, this may cause some discomfort, but it is perfectly normal. It may be up to a couple of weeks before you are totally healed from the surgery. 

Tooth Extraction

Tooth extraction in simple terms, is when a tooth or teeth are extracted by a professional dentist. While your teeth should stay intact for the length of your natural life, there are situations that may warrant an extraction.

Tooth extraction can be done in preteens, teenagers, and adults. The specialist dentists at Kariong Dental Care on the Central Coast are experienced enough to carry out a painless and quick tooth extraction procedure on all age groups.

When is Tooth Extraction Necessary?

Typically, you would need a tooth extraction procedure done when you have a badly decayed or damaged tooth. 

When there are no viable restorative options available to save the tooth, then the only option left would be a tooth extraction. Other reasons why it may become necessary to have your tooth extracted include;

Severe Infection: 

When a tooth decay is so bad that it gets to the pulp of the tooth. It increases the chances of oral bacteria getting to that sensitive part of the tooth. 

The pulp is where the blood vessels and nerves are situated, it can get infected when the protective enamel of the tooth is no longer available. 

Infections may be corrected with prescribed antibiotics or with root canal therapy (RCT). However, a very severe infection is a justifiable cause to extract a tooth in order to curb a further spread of the infection.

Crowded Mouth: 

Your dentist may need to extract your tooth prior to an orthodontia procedure. This procedure is done when your dentition needs alignment or realignment.

If you have large teeth that makes carrying out an orthodontia a bit of a hassle, it then becomes necessary to extract a tooth or teeth as the case be.

Tooth extraction is also needed when a tooth finds it difficult to “erupt” from your gum. This may be due to a crowded mouth and the tooth has no room to break out through your gum. In this scenario, a dentist may advise that a routine tooth extraction procedure is conducted.

Gum Disease: 

In a situation where a patient has gum or periodontal disease. With the latter being a severe infection of the nerves, tissues, and even the bones which help to support a tooth or teeth.

It would be absolutely necessary for the affected tooth or teeth as the case may be, to be pulled out.

Possibility of Infection: 

While a severe tooth infection is enough reason to extract a tooth, a risk of tooth infection is also a consideration.

A weakened immune system due to surgery or chemotherapy treatment for example, could significantly raise the risk of infection in an already damaged tooth. 

In such a situation, a dentist may recommend that the tooth be removed before an infection takes root.

The Tooth Extraction Process

When you are scheduled for a tooth extraction procedure, it is important to try to stay relaxed throughout. 

An oral surgeon would usually carry out the extraction and there is a process to it. Below is what you should normally expect during a tooth extraction.


A local anesthetic may be injected at a site around the tooth to be pulled out. This anesthetic will ensure that the site surrounding the tooth to be extracted is made numb.

With the local anesthetic, you will feel no pain during the tooth extraction. Alternatively, a general anesthetic may be administered.

This type of anesthetic will ensure that you call asleep during the tooth extraction and feel no pain as well.

During Tooth Extraction:

During the tooth extraction, the oral surgeon may decide to trim off both the bone tissue and gum that surround the targeted tooth for extraction. This scenario usually occurs for an impacted tooth.

The oral surgeon will then securely grasp the tooth with a pair of forceps. With the forceps, the oral surgeon will then attempt to loosen the tooth from the ligaments and jaw bone by carefully rocking it from front to back. If the tooth is proving difficult to extract, it may be removed piece by piece.

Teeth Whitening

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A set of bright white teeth help to boost the self-confidence of a person. These days there are many over-the-counter teeth whitening products. These include; strips, gels, trays, and rinses. However, if you are not sure of which teeth whitening product is right for you, it is always better to see your dentist. 

At Kariong Dental Care on the Central Coast we advise people on whether they should use these products or not. Ideally, there are circumstances where teeth whitening procedures would be less likely to succeed and are really not recommended. Some of these situations include;

#1: Dark Stained Teeth: It must be said that if your teeth has a yellowish stain, then bleaching it would work like a charm. However, if your teeth has a brown, grey, or purplish stain, it is NOT advisable for you to use teeth whitening agents. In this scenario, it would be best for you to explore other dental restoration procedures, such as; bonds, dental veneers, or Crowns.

#2: Too many Dental Restorations: You should know that resin composite materials which were used in dental restoration procedures, such as; fillings, crowns, bonds bridges, and veneers; will NOT whiten when you use teeth whitening agents. If you use teeth whiteners, your natural teeth would appear whiter than those restored teeth. So before you start using teeth whiteners, make sure to get the best advise from your dentist.

#3: Teeth Whitening for Children is a No, No!: It is advisable NOT to use teeth whitening products on children that are less than 16 years of age. You should know that the nerve of the tooth or pulp chamber of infants, young children, and teenagers is quite enlarged before they turn 16. If teeth whitening products are used on children before they are 16 years of age, the nerve of the tooth or pulp would be irritated and highly sensitive. It is also NOT advisable for pregnant and lactating women to use teeth whiteners. 

#4: Poor Oral Hygiene: If you suffer from cavities, gum disease, exposed roots, or worn enamel; you really should NOT use teeth whiteners. Using such products on cavities can lead to extreme tooth sensitivity as the teeth whitening agent penetrates deep into the tooth. Before using teeth whiteners, make sure you resolve all your underlying oral health issues.

#5: Allergies: It is always proper to seek the advice of your dentist before you try your hands out on any over-the-counter teeth whitening product. The main agent for many of these products is peroxide and if you are allergic to this agent, it could be a cause for concern when used.

Get your teeth Whitened by a Dentist

There is a big difference between DIY teeth whitening procedures done at home and those handled by a professionally train and qualified dentist. 

The first thing you should know is that over-the-counter teeth whitening products have less strength than those used by dentists.

Typically, over-the-counter teeth whiteners contain about 3% hydrogen peroxide. On the other hand, the in-office bleaching solutions used by dentists have a hydrogen peroxide content of between 15% and 43%.

This highly concentrated product is applied by the dentist onto your teeth. They do this using either heat, specialised light, or even laser. The procedure normally takes between half an hour to one full hour. 

While a single session is more than likely to provide most patients with significant results, there are those patients that would need to make some more appointments to the dentist before the bleaching results are near perfect.

Is Teeth Whitening Permanent?

Quite frankly, No! Teeth whitening is NOT a permanent procedure and the reason(s) is/are the same reason(s) that made the patient seek dental help in the first place.

Regularly consuming beverages and foods that stain teeth would lead to a dullness of an already whitened teeth and this can be within just 30 days after an in-office teeth whitening procedure.

If you are conscious of what you consume and you try as much as possible to avoid those beverages and foods that stain your teeth, it may take as long as a year or so before you would require a teeth whitening touch-up.

Dental Veneers


Dental veneers go by different names. Some call them “dental porcelain laminates” while others referred to them as “porcelain veneers”. 

Typically, dental veneers are thinly made shells made from resin composite or porcelain material and used to cover up the front tooth or teeth of a patient. 

Since it is made from porcelain, it can be painted white to basically match your other teeth and greatly enhance your overall appearance.

After the porcelain shells are made and coloured, they are fitted to the front side of your teeth with the use of a non-toxic adhesive. With dental veneers the length, size, shape and colour of your entire dentition is improved, boosting your confidence and self-esteem in the process.

Dentist Gosford At Kariong Dental Care we work hard to improve your look by fitting high quality customised dental veneers for people in Gosford and environs.

Why are Dental Veneers Needed?

There are many reasons why you may need dental veneers. However, the most common reasons include;

  • When your teeth are discoloured. This may be due to the use of drugs such as tetracycline. It could also be as a result of excess fluoride.
  • Dental veneers could be needed when your teeth have been worn down.
  • If you have damaged or chipped tooth/teeth, dental veneers is an option you could go for.
  • Where you have poorly shaped, uneven, and misaligned teeth; dental veneers can help to improve your look.
  • If you have large gaps or openings between your teeth, dental veneers will help to fill out those gaps.

How to get Dental Veneers

If you have decided to get dental veneers, it usually means that you would have to visit a qualified dentist like those at Kariong Dental Care at least three times.

You would first have to come in for consultation, then your next visit would be to create the customized veneers and the third visit would be when the veneers are applied.

This three prong approach ensures that you are properly diagnosed and advised on the best dental restorative options for you. 

During your first visit, your teeth are examined by a dentist or team of dentists. You are briefed on your current oral health and advised on the best options. If needed, x-rays may be done and you may be required to have impressions of your teeth done as well.

In preparing your tooth or teeth for routine dental veneer treatment, the surface of your tooth/teeth would have to be reshaped by a dentist. The idea is to have the surface of the tooth or teeth appear natural and not protrude out when the veneers are eventually fitted. Local anaesthetic is usually applied before your tooth enamel is trimmed.

Once an impression of your tooth or teeth is obtained, it is used in constructing the dental veneers. Construction of the dental veneers may take a couple of weeks. If your teeth are really bad and pretty much unsightly, you may be fitted with tentative dental veneers.

Your third visit to the dentist is when the veneers will be bonded to cover up the front side of your teeth. The veneers may be trimmed if need be to ensure that it fits perfectly and naturally. Proper oral hygiene and regular dental visits are advised even after the veneer procedure is concluded. 

Benefits of Dental Veneers

The most obvious benefit is an enhanced, natural appearance. However, it must be mentioned that porcelain based veneers have very good resistance to stains. Also, porcelain veneers rarely irritate gum tissue. 

Dental veneers offer a less costly, affordable, and conservative routine dental treatment option for anyone wishing to reshape and recolour their teeth.

Dental Implants

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If you are a resident of Kariong in the Central Coast region of New South Wales and you are in need of affordable dental implants, this blog post on dental implants is for you.

It may be hard to know exactly how many people in Australia suffer from tooth loss. However, what we do know is that the vast majority of people suffering from tooth loss have this problem mainly as a result of…

  • injury,
  • periodontal disease, or
  • tooth decay.

Back in the day, the only way you could deal with tooth loss was by getting removable dentures and bridges. But today that has all changed with dental implants.

So what exactly are dental implants anyway?

Well, dental implants as the name suggests are basically teeth roots which are used where teeth are missing. The dental implants help to provide a solid base for the fitting of synthetic teeth that are either removable or permanent in nature. 

Are Dental Implants for Everyone?

For anyone to be considered suitable for dental implants, the person must be healthy. Typically, anyone deemed suitable for oral surgery or a simple dental extraction routine would qualify for dental implants. 

In addition, to qualify for dental implants, patients need to have sufficient jaw bone to keep the implant in place. Their gums also need to be pretty healthy as well. 

For those with underlying health conditions like congenital heart disease, diabetes, or cancer, a personal evaluation is needed before they can be considered for dental implants.

Dentist Gosford At Kariong Dental, we conduct a case by case evaluation to qualify individuals for dental implants.

How are Dental Implants done?

#1: Personalized Plan: No two individuals are the same when it comes to dental implants. Therefore a personalized treatment plan needs to be developed on a case by case basis. 

#2: Implantation of the Tooth Root: Once a plan has been developed for a patient, he/she is scheduled for a tooth root implantation. The tooth root is made from titanium and this small post is inserted in the missing tooth’s bone socket. 

The jawbone will eventually heal (within 6 to 12 weeks) and as it heals it will grow to surround the titanium post. The tooth root would then be firmly rooted in the patient’s jaw. 

#3: Attaching the Abutment: After the small titanium post has firmly bonded with the jawbone, it is then time to attach an abutment to the post. The abutment itself is a connector post that is attached to the implanted tooth root, it is the abutment that will securely hold up the newly fitted tooth/teeth as the case may be. 

#4: Creating Synthetic Crowns: Synthetic teeth or crowns are created before they can be inserted into the abutment. To create a crown, an impression of the missing tooth or teeth needs to be made. A bite model is done and this vividly captures your teeth arrangement amongst other features.

The model is used in creating the new crown or crowns. Everything from the shape of your new crowns to their colour will be sorted out before they are attached to the abutment. At the end of the day your replacement crowns will function, feel, and look like perfectly normal, healthy teeth.

It is also possible to use special attachments on the tooth root implants in order to maintain dentures that are removable. Note that once dental implants are done you have to make regular visits to your dentist and also maintain excellent oral hygiene.